
Headshot of Joshua

I'm Joshua Belknap.

Web Developer | Occasional Designer

What I do professionally...

I'm an independent freelance web developer based in Ohio. I have 4 years of experience building things on the web, and I typically work with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React.js but I also do full-stack development on occasion—everything from designing to coding to deploying.

Here are a few technolgies I have worked with recently:

  • HTML
  • CSS & SCSS
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React.js
  • GraphQL
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • Version Control (Git)

What I do for fun...

I, of course love to spend time with my family, be it going to parks, hiking, or just hanging out at home. I like to travel as often as I possibly can. I really enjoy seeing new places and having new experiences. I also very much enjoy cooking. I like trying out new recipes or just experimenting and coming up with my own. I like to code things. Before I started doing this to make money, I built things just for fun, and I still do.