Hi, my name is

Joshua Belknap.

I like to build things that live on the web

I'm a Web Developer based in Columbus, Ohio. I specialize in designing and building websites for fun and profit.


Decorative icon of a computer with less than, slash, and greater than symbols on the monitor
Rebecca Collins Therapy

A website for a Mental Health and Sex Therapist in Columbus, Ohio

HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Node, Express, Pug/Jade

Decorative icon of a computer with less than, slash, and greater than symbols on the monitor

Cbusparks is a full stack web application that allows people to view, add, edit, upload photos and review parks and playgrounds in the Columbus, Ohio area

HTML, JavaScript, SCSS, Node, Express, Pug/Jade, MongoDB

Decorative icon of a computer with less than, slash, and greater than symbols on the monitor
Stubblefield Leadership

Stubblefield Leadership was built for Dr. John Stubblefield, an Educator, Coach, Mentor and Public Speaker who lives in North Carolina

Wordpress, CSS

Decorative icon of a computer with less than, slash, and greater than symbols on the monitor
Overwritten TV (OWTV)

OWTV allows users to login, chat and watch Twitch.tv streams that can be changed in real time

React.js, Express.js, Node.js, SCSS, Socket.io, MongoDB, JSON Web Token (JWT)

Decorative icon of a computer with less than, slash, and greater than symbols on the monitor
Homeglow Imaging

Website for a local Real Estate Photography company operating in and around the Columbus, Ohio area

Javascript, HTML, Bulma(CSS Framework), PHP

Decorative icon of a computer with less than, slash, and greater than symbols on the monitor

This website was done as design and layout practice using CSS Grid

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Decorative icon of a computer with less than, slash, and greater than symbols on the monitor
Baltimore Retirement Community

One page PPC site for a retirement community

HTML, CSS, JavaScript